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E-Mail, etc.

Eudora 1.5.1 Manual
Eudora Light v1.5.4
Finger v1.5.4
NotifyMail v3.0
VacationMail v1.1.2

Eudora 1.5.1 Manual
This archive contains the 136-page manual for the Internet mail program Eudora. The manual is in Word 4/5 format. The Eudora program itself is also available. See below.

Requires MS Word-compatible reader

Eudora Light v1.5.4
Eudora is a POP3/UUCP application for use with Internet electronic mail accounts. Some of the features include automatic signature appending, file attachments, MIME support, and automatic mail checking. This is the freeware version (a commercial version is also available from QUALCOMM). Author, Steve Dorner, was a winner of one of Apple's 1994 Cool Tool Internet Award for his work with Eudora. Documentation and related files are in the file "Eudora 1.5.1 Manual" in this library. See above.

Requires System 7 or later, MacTCP or other UUCP implementation, POP3 server

Finger v1.5.4
Finger is a Macintosh implementation of the Unix Finger protocol. With Finger and an Internet connection, you can "finger" (identify) anyone in the world, at least anyone with an Internet account. The Finger command returns the person's name, whether he/she is currently logged in, when the last login occurred and if he/she has any mail waiting. It will also display any "Plans", which is text which is set to display to anyone who Fingers that account. Finger supports URLs and is AppleScript-able. The interface should be familiar to any Anarchie users, also by author Peter Lewis.

Requires MacTCP 1.1 or later, System 6.0.x or later, Internet connection

NotifyMail v3.0
NotifyMail is an ideal little extension that sits in the background and listens for finger connections so that you don't have to keep your Internet mail software running to know when new mail comes in. Options include having a calm voice inform you as you start up your computer in the morning "You have new mail"; having NotifyMail launch Eudora or other Internet mail application; requesting a dialog box and/or a floating-pallet icon of a closed mailbox that "opens" to reveal that you have mail inside. Choose to have your mail software open in the background or pop to the front. The only caveat I found was that if you have NotifyMail configured for dynamic IP addressing, your password isn't secure from hackers since the password is stored in the application's preferences file. The author's Help file is well written, and should guide you through installation, customization and basic troubleshooting quite easily. Version 2.4 adds AppleGuide support, support Internet Config, option to save mail count between restarts, option to launch file by clicking in mailbox window; fixes bugs with window position and encrypted password; recompiled to work correctly under System 7.5. Version 3.0 is a fat binary, adds support for Open Transport and MacSLIP, adds direct support for Emailer and TCP/Connect II 2.0, and fixes a dynamic IP addressing bug.

Requires System 7 or later, MacTCP 1.1 or later, POP mail account

VacationMail v1.1.2
VacationMail is an essential utility for those that rely heavily on E-mail for business. VacationMail lets you set a message that gets automatically sent when an incoming message comes in and you are not available to answer in the immediate future. This is ideal for long vacations, or times when you are going to be away from the Net for an extended period of time. VacationMail is smart enough to not reply to the same E-mail address more then once in a week period, and also will not respond to newsgroups or list-servers.

Requires UNIX-based e-mail account

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